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Inspire Creativity & Innovation Using a Bold Vision.

What is the eBooks' intent?

To teach leaders the skills required to establish a clear vision that inspires creativity and innovation.

Who is the eBooks' target audience?

This guide will be helpful to anyone passionate about innovation, regardless of experience or expertise. This eBook is written for:

Product owners: Focus on solving problems and prioritizing the right features to delight users.

Designers: Better understand users' needs and preferences to design best-in-class experiences.

Project managers:  Facilitate thoughtful discussions to bring different perspectives to light.

Team leaders: Inspire transformational change and champion human-centred design strategies. 

Everyone: Drive business results by designing human experiences and solving the problems that matter most to users.

DesignACE believes a collaborative approach to vision building is the foundation for high-performing:

  • individuals

  • teams

  • organizations

Enjoy the eBook!

Take an exciting step in your design journey. If you take pride in improving people's lives, big or small, this eBook is perfect for you. Check out our Design Shop