23 Happy Habits to Focus on in 2023 | Part 2

Happy Habits 2023

Try a happy habit to develop personal & professional success.

We all want to live our best personal and professional life in 2023. So here are our next eight of twenty-three happy habits to focus on in 2023 to help make the year ahead the most successful. Check out our list of the first seven healthy habits we recommend you try in 2023.

Happy Habits 2023

#8. Volunteer

Happy Habits 2023

Spend a little time this year helping your community.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Gandhi. 

Volunteering at a non-profit you believe in is an excellent way to fill your proverbial cup. At designACE, we’re huge proponents of giving back to our community and spending time helping others. Andrew sits on the Board of Directors of the Mobile Giving Foundation Canada, and Christine spends her spare time at the Richmond Hill Community Foodbank.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and make a positive difference in your community. Research shows that volunteering can lead to improved physical health and psychological well-being. It also allows you to learn new skills and enhance your job prospects.

Build a Happy Habit

  • Food banks 

  • Senior Centres 

  • Board of Directors

#9. Don’t compare yourself to others 

Happy Habits 2023

Keep your eyes on your own fries.

"Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else." – Judy Garland.

Comparison can rob you of joy and create an unhealthy sense of entitlement. You either compare yourself to make yourself feel better or feel worse. Either way, you are making it up, and it’s not real. So try to practice living in the moment and focusing on your achievements rather than those of others. 

Research also shows that people who spend time focusing on the good in others are happier and more satisfied than those who don't.

Build a Happy Habit

  • Limit time on Social Media.

  • Use your past self as your only benchmark. 

  • Learn your triggers.

#10. Give Gratitude

Happy Habits 2023

Text someone right now “I appreciate you!”.

“Two kinds of gratitude: The sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what we give.” – Edwin Arlington Robinson

We always say, “a thank you is free and worth is weight in gold.”. So focus on showing others around you how much their contribution to your life is appreciated.

Harvard Health Publishing's research shows that gratitude can profoundly affect our health and happiness. In addition, it can lower stress levels and help us feel more connected to others and the world around us. 

Build a Happy Habit

  • Send a thank you letter

  • Post an "I appreciate..." on social media

  • Keep a gratitude journal.

#11. Digital Detox

Happy Habits 2023

Consider taking a complete break from social media, email, and other digital communication. Being constantly connected to the digital world can cause stress levels to rise and make it more challenging to relax and recharge. Instead, try switching off all your devices one day a week or spending an afternoon away from your phone to connect with the people around you and enjoy Nature.

Build a Happy Habit

  • Set screen limits on your phone.

  • Reduce notifications. 

  • Set a digital free couple of hours every week.

#12. Spend Time in Nature

Happy Habits 2023

Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment without judgment. Studies have shown that spending time in Nature can help to improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. It also helps us appreciate beauty and connect with the natural world.

You can easily combine these habits to maximize your benefit by going on a daily walk and unplugging from social media, all while spending time in Nature. That’s what we call a happy habit!

Build a Happy Habit

  • Start or join a hiking club.

  • Use All trails to find Nature close by you.

  • Find a tree and hug it.#6. Get Plenty of Sleep 

#13. Try Meditation

Happy Habits 2023

Research has shown that practicing meditation can improve your mental health and well-being. It can also help you manage stress, overcome anxiety, and improve relationships. There are many different meditation techniques that you can use, so find what works best for your lifestyle and practice it regularly to reap the benefits.

According to a study conducted at UCLA Medical School, individuals who practiced mindfulness meditation for just eight weeks significantly reduced their stress levels and increased compassion and empathy compared to those who did not.

Build a Happy Habit

#14. Speak to a Therapist

Happy Habits 2023

After a pandemic, global recession, and the looming threat of world war 3, we all have a little more stress than usual. However, don't unburden yourself on friends and family. They have their problems to shoulder, and although personal support is essential, it is no substitute for professional help. 

The benefits of therapy are well documented and include improvements in mental and emotional health, pain management, and overall wellness. In addition, a good therapist can provide support and guidance to help you cope with life's challenges and help you achieve your goals.

Build a Happy Habit

  • Try better health - online therapy.

  • Find a local support group.

  • Ask your HR or Google what free resources are available.

#15. Give Kudos to a Coworker

Examination shows appreciation is a positive emotion with psychological benefits for both givers and receivers, including increased happiness, reduced anxiety and depression, and improved self-esteem. Tell someone that you appreciate their work and show gratefulness for their efforts by offering them words of praise and encouragement.

 Here is a tried and true format for creating kudos at work:

[what they did] + [how it helped you] + [why you appreciate what they did]

Build a Happy Habit

  • Share your kudos at the start of a meeting

  • Post your kudos on LinkedIn

  • Send your kudos to your CEO

It is coming soon! Stay tuned for Part 3

We’ll share our final seven happy habits to focus on in 2023 to make this year the most successful.


5 Ways to Stop Hosting Boring Meetings


23 Happy Habits to Focus on in 2023 | Part 1