23 Happy Habits to Focus on in 2023 | Part 1

Happy Habits 2023

With the new year ahead of us, we are all focusing on making 2023 a positive and enjoyable experience. So here are our first seven of twenty-three happy habits to focus on in 2023 to help make the year ahead full of happiness. 

Happy Habits 2023

#1. Go on a Daily Walk

Walking is the great adventure, the first meditation, a practice of heartiness and soul primary to humankind. Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility. – Gary Snyder

Studies show that a daily walk can help decrease stress, reduce depression, improve mood, and help you sleep better. In addition, as we wrote in a previous article, walking enhances your creative output.

Research published in the journal PLOS ONE; exercise profoundly impacts cognitive function and overall health. For example, the study showed that walking could improve one's creative output by up to 60%. In addition, the researchers say that exercise reduces stress and increases blood flow to the brain, thereby increasing brain activity. 

Build a Happy Habit

  • Write down a step goal.

  • Find a walking buddy.

  • Schedule 30 minutes a day for a walk. 

#2. Write Down Goals 

For some of us, writing things down is the difference between reaching our goals and not. "Writing down goals" can help you stay motivated, focused, and accountable. It can also make it easier to keep track of your progress and help you develop strategies to reach your goals.

A popular study by Dr. Gail Matthews found that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals by simply writing them down daily.

Build a Happy Habit

  • Try our Interactive Goal Planners. to stay organized, motivated, and focused.

  • Make time daily to track your progress. 

  • Find a regular reflection time to measure progress. 

#3. Declutter 

“Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest.” ― Marie Kondō

Whether you live in a tiny apartment or a sprawling ranch, you're likely surrounded by stuff. So take time to go through possessions and get rid of items no longer serve a purpose. 

Decluttering has many instant benefits; less to clean and less to organize means less stress. Decluttering will not only help you to feel calmer and more organized, but it will also help you to reduce the amount of time you spend cleaning and organizing your home. 

Build a Happy Habit

  • Give away an item a week.

  • Organize a clothing swap.

  • Ask a friend for help (and let them lead). 

#4. Learn Empathy 

Learning to use empathy to establish more meaningful connections with people around you. When we can experience people’s struggles firsthand, feel their frustration, and hear their words, we can't help but empathize. When we empathize, we can better envision the future, strengthen human interactions, and prioritize the right choices that reflect our values.

The researchers from Israel studied what happens in the brain when we empathize. They learned it’s easier for people to empathize when responding to negative V.S. positive news. They suggest mimicking natural responses to negative information; people can establish empathic responses to positive news. For example, when someone tells you good news, make body contact, and express your positive reaction. 

Build a Happy Habit

  • Repeat back what you’ve heard from someone. 

  • Make eye contact when people talk to you. 

  • Get our Empathy Mapping strategic planner to see how to tap into building empathy. 

#5. Practice Saying "No, thank you."

Setting proper boundaries is one of the most challenging habits to form. It is easy to fall into a pattern of taking on too much, over-committing and stretching ourselves too thin. It's a recipe for burnout and feeling resentful. 

Research is clear that saying “no” is essential to establishing boundaries and an important part of balanced mental health. Saying "no" to people, things, and events that drain your energy and time can help you become healthier and more energized. It can also free up space for the things that matter to you.

Build a Happy Habit

  • Have a set limit of commitments for a week 

  • Practice a one-in / one-out rule for commitments 

  • Ask people to help you prioritize conflicting commitments.

#6. Get Plenty of Sleep 

“I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?” — Ernest Hemingway.

The research details that getting enough sleep is a very healthy habit with many benefits, including boosting your mood, increasing your energy, and helping you to make better decisions. A good night's sleep can also reduce your risk of health problems like heart disease and diabetes. To Improve your sleep pattern:

Build a Happy Habit

  • Don't drink coffee after 3 pm.

  • Keep your phone in another room.

  • Stick to a sleep routine.

#7. Give a Compliment

You don't know the other people going through life with you, so be kind to those not in your life by letting them know they are appreciated. A compliment is a quick way to build connections and increase feelings of self-worth. 

Research shows that a compliment on a personality or character has the most impact on a person and is universally seen as a positive. At the same time, a compliment on appearance can someone be perceived as backhanded or having alternative motives. 

Build a Happy Habit

  • A good compliment is specific and positive! 

  • Make eye contact when complimenting someone in person.

  • Add an emoji when complimenting someone by text. 

It is coming soon! Stay tuned for Part 2

We’ll share our next seven happy habits to focus on in 2023 to make this year the best!


23 Happy Habits to Focus on in 2023 | Part 2


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