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Slideshow Karaoke

activities for any meeting

These activities encourage collaboration between different team members and help break down barriers between departments. The goal is to develop and maintain a strong corporate culture that provides a positive working environment for its employees and helps the business succeed and grow.

An activity to help you think on your feet. 
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Why try Slideshow Karaoke?

Do you ever struggle to think on your feet, especially when presenting or speaking publicly?

Activity Objective

In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable world, improvisation and thinking on your feet are essential skills for adapting to change and overcoming challenges. Slideshow Karaoke is a fun way to help people practice their presentation skills while sharpening their storytelling.


PDF | Slides | Digital Whiteboard

Number of Players

3-20 (for larger groups, break people into smaller groups)

Activity Duration

15-60 minutes


  1. Show the first whiteboard and, in a sentence, begin the story.

  2. At the end of your slide, introduce the next person and make up a title for them.

  3. Then, continue moving through the slides, each person adding a line to the story with each new image.

  4. Each person should present for 30 seconds before handing it off to the next person in the group.

Check out our blog for reflection questions for teams.

Agenda Example

  • Welcome and introduction (5 minutes)

  • Slideshow Karaoke (15 minutes)

  • Wrap-up and closing (5 minutes)

Check out our blog for planning meetings and workshops.

Script & Talk Track

Hello everyone, and welcome to our meeting. Today, we will do a fun and engaging activity called Slideshow Karaoke. Slideshow Karaoke is an activity that helps us practice our presentation skills while sharpening our storytelling. It is also a great way to practice improvisation and thinking on your feet. These are essential skills for adapting to change and overcoming challenges in today’s unpredictable world.

In this activity, we will use a set of slides with random images and pretend that we are giving a presentation about them. The catch is that we need to know what the images are and what the presentation topic is. We must make it up as we go along and try to tell a coherent and entertaining story.

We will need a set of slides with random images and a timer to do this activity. You can use the slides I have prepared for you, or you can create your slides with any images you like. The slides should be numbered and have no text or titles on them. The timer should be set to 30 seconds for each slide.

We will do this activity in small groups of 3-5 people. Select any presentation topic you want, such as "How to Save the world," "The history of Cheese," or "My dream vacation."

The activity will work as follows:

One group member will start the presentation by showing the first slide and saying something like, "Hello everyone, welcome to my presentation on [topic]. My name is [name] and I am [title]."

Create a sentence linking the first image to the given topic. For instance, if the image is of a cat and the topic is "How to save the world," you might say, "Cats are crucial to saving the world because they are adorable and soft."

At the end of their sentence, they will introduce the next person in their group and make up a title for them. For example, they can say something like, "Now, I will hand it over to my colleague [name], who is an expert on [title]."

Then, they will stop the timer and pass it to the next person.

The person will start timer, show the next slide, and continue the story with a related sentence based on the image and topic.

They will repeat the same process of introducing the next person and passing the timer until all the slides are done or until the time runs out.

Each person should present for 30 seconds before handing it off to the next group member.

The goal of this activity is to have fun and be creative. There are no right or wrong answers, only interesting and funny ones. Try to be spontaneous, confident, and enthusiastic when presenting. Don't worry about making mistakes or being perfect. Just go with the flow and enjoy yourself.

Are you ready to start? Let's form our groups and choose our topics. Then, let's begin our Slideshow Karaoke presentations.