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Series 2: Five Meeting Icebreakers for Your Work Week

— so you can stop talking about the weather

Sick of small talk about the weather? We get it; sometimes it rains, and sometimes it is sunny. So let’s finally move past this topic, and instead, let’s spend a few minutes having a meaningful conversation to build stronger, more dynamic teams.

Forget the weather small talk. Instead, get to know your teammates better with these five winning icebreaker questions. But, of course, there is more to talk about than the weather!

What are Icebreaker Questions?

Icebreakers are great for getting to know a group of people. 

  1. A leader can use them to introduce new team members or help everyone get acquainted.

  2. Using icebreaker activities is a fun way to boost everyone's creativity in a safe environment. 

  3. If you can get someone talking in the first 5-minutes of a meeting, they are more likely to stay engaged and contribute their ideas.  

Vote by Comment: Which of our icebreaker questions is your favourite?

Vote by responding inline and tell us which icebreaker question is your favourite. Bonus marks if you answer the question too! 

  1. Have you ever used ChatGPT? What for?

  2. What is the most useful thing you learned on the job? 

  3. Have you tried Banana Ketchup? 

  4. If you could ask anyone who has ever lived a question, who would it be, and what might you ask them?

  5. What is your favourite knock-knock joke?

Last week’s top 5 icebreakers

Have you ever used ChatGPT? 

ChatGPT is a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to generate realistic and engaging conversations. You can ask it about anything, from trivia questions to personal opinions, and it will respond with relevant and sometimes witty answers. ChatGPT can also help you improve your writing skills, creativity, and mood.

 Follow-up question: 

  • What did you talk about? 

  • How did you feel after the conversation?

What is the most interesting thing you have learned from (insert their job)? 

(shout out to Willow Dickerson for this ice-breaker suggestion)  

Everyone has a unique perspective and expertise based on their profession. Whether they are a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor, or a chef, they have something valuable to share with others. In addition, you may find common lessons or shared experiences from past roles that strengthen the team’s bond. 

Follow-up questions: 

  • How does it apply to other aspects of your life? 

  • What are some common misconceptions or challenges that you face in your work?

Have you tried Banana Ketchup? 

Banana ketchup is a popular condiment in the Philippines, made from mashed bananas, vinegar, sugar, and spices. It has a sweet and tangy taste that goes well with fried foods, rice dishes, and burgers. Banana ketchup was invented during World War II when the country had a shortage of tomatoes. 

Questions like these help stretch the team’s imagination and share stories of new experiences. But, most importantly, this question prompts the team to talk about their human experiences, lightens the mood and eases any stress associated with the agenda items or deliverables.

Follow-up questions: 

  • Have you ever heard of Banana Ketchup? 

  • Have you ever tasted banana ketchup? (Did you like it or not?)

  • What other unusual or exotic foods have you tried or want to try?

If you could ask anyone who has ever lived a question, who would it be, and what might you ask them?

History is full of fascinating and influential people who have shaped the world we live in today. Some are famous for their achievements, others for their controversies, and others for their mysteries. Asking teams to share who they admire or wish to learn from can help them find commonalities, be more inquisitive, and prompt captivating discussions about their deepest curiosities. 

Follow-up questions: 

  • What would the answer to this question unlock for you? 

  • Why are you curious about this topic?

  • Why are they the right person to answer the question?

See this form in the original post

What is your favourite knock-knock joke? 

Knock-knock jokes are a classic form of humour. They are simple, silly, and sometimes clever. They usually involve a pun or wordplay on the name of the person knocking on the door. Adding humour to your meeting will help teammates connect and warm up to one another. 

Follow-up question: 

  • How did you learn it? 

  • Who do you like to tell it to?

Here is an example: 

Knock knock… 

Who’s there?


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Comment below. It helps our blog out! 

Discover our Icebreaker Games for meetings and events.

Shop for our entertaining icebreaker games for work, perfect for in-person, hybrid, and virtual teams.

When are Icebreakers Useful?

Ice Breakers are great for team building, getting to know each other, and meeting participants comfortably in a new environment. Use them at the start of a meeting, to kick off a collaborative working session or workshop, or to introduce new hires or team members to the rest of the group.

Blog: Develop Professional Relationships with Icebreakers.

So, set aside the usual chatter about the weather and dive deeper into your conversations with others. Discover more about people and what matters to them using these five winning icebreaker questions.

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