Elevate Your LinkedIn Game with Our Ultimate Engagement Checklist: Part 3

Promotional image for the blog "Elevate Your LinkedIn Game with Our Ultimate Engagement Checklist (part 3)" by Andrew Edwards.

Forward from Andrew Edwards, co-founder of designACE 

Hey there, LinkedIn enthusiasts!

Andrew Edwards here, co-founder of designace.ca. If you've been following our LinkedIn Engagement Checklist series, you’ve already made great progress in optimizing your profile and staying consistent with your engagement. Now, let's dive deeper into enhancing your engagement strategy.

I know firsthand how intimidating it can be to reach out to people on LinkedIn. Whether you're just starting your career or exploring a new chapter after years of success, putting yourself out there to build your brand and make connections can feel overwhelming. It's a common struggle, and many of us have felt that hesitation.

Reflecting on my own experiences and the journey of others I've worked with, I’ve seen how crucial it is to push past those initial fears. There is plenty of research that proves people who engage on LinkedIn significantly boost connection opportunities

Dr. Deborah Nixon, beautifully captured this sentiment: "Andrew and Christine are the ultimate professionals. They worked with my group of senior leaders on how to maximize not only their LinkedIn presence but also their networking skills and strategy. Often LinkedIn is a black box for people, and Andrew and Christine took the mystery away. They are so articulate and enthusiastic, have such an engaging presence, and are very knowledgeable. The group had only good things to say about them. I would work with them again. No question."

If you want to create genuine connections. You will need the confidence to engage. I’m here to support you on this journey so you can explore the possibilities that LinkedIn offers. 


Co-founder, designACE

Book a free 15-minute LinkedIn Audit 

From Likes to Coffee 

In Part 1, we focused on creating a LinkedIn profile that captures attention and lays the foundation for professional growth.

In Part 2, we explored strategies to maintain momentum through consistent engagement and content sharing.

Now, in Part 3, "Connection Expedition," we’re taking you from virtual interactions to real-world connections. It’s about transforming those likes and comments into meaningful conversations, whether that’s over a virtual coffee or an in-person meeting. This final installment provides actionable steps to turn your LinkedIn engagement into lasting professional relationships.

Ready to take your LinkedIn connections to the next level? Download your checklist here and print it out or save it to start turning those online interactions into meaningful conversations today!

Advancing Your Engagement Strategy

The goal is networking and community-building, aiming to transform casual conversations into meaningful connections and potential leads. Here's how to stand out and make a lasting impact:

Start with Engagement

Begin by engaging with content that genuinely resonates with you. Liking and commenting on posts enhances your visibility and demonstrates your active participation in your network. Posts with regular engagement are more likely to appear in others' feeds, boosting your presence.

Out! Avoid discussing controversial topics like politics or religion.

In! Focus on positive, constructive engagement that adds value to your network.

Share and Add Insights

Go beyond simply sharing posts; contribute your own insights and perspectives. This showcases your expertise and encourages your network to engage with your content. It's a great way to establish yourself as a thought leader and stimulate meaningful discussions.

Out! Avoid sharing updates unrelated to your professional life, like vacation photos or nightlife.

In! Share relevant personal milestones and professional achievements to build your brand.

Engage in Groups

Join LinkedIn groups that align with your interests and industry. Actively participate by sharing your thoughts, asking questions, and contributing to discussions. According to LinkedIn, active group participation can significantly increase your profile's visibility and help you connect with like-minded professionals.

Out! Don't just observe; inactivity won't boost your presence.

In! Actively contribute and engage in discussions to connect with professionals.

Comparison image showing "Out!" (unrelated personal updates) vs. "In!" (relevant personal milestones). Emphasizes professional LinkedIn content.

Expand Your Network Thoughtfully

When sending connection requests, personalize them. Reach out to individuals you admire or have interacted with, and follow up with a thoughtful message to continue the conversation. Personalized messages enhance the likelihood of acceptance and help build stronger, more meaningful connections.

Out! Avoid sending generic connection requests without a message.

In! Personalize your requests and follow up with a message to start a meaningful dialogue.

Comparison image showing "Out!" (posting negative feedback and complaints) vs. "In!" (reframing negative experiences into lessons learned).


By advancing your LinkedIn engagement with these strategies, you're not just connecting with professionals—you're building meaningful relationships and uncovering new opportunities. Remember, consistency and active participation are key to your success on LinkedIn.

For those looking to take their LinkedIn presence to the next level, explore our LinkedIn Managed Service at designACE. We offer comprehensive solutions to enhance your professional network.

Interested in a personalized LinkedIn audit?

Book a free meeting with me to get tailored insights and strategies for your profile.

Stay engaged, stay consistent, and watch your LinkedIn network grow!

Thank you for following along with our LinkedIn Engagement Checklist series. If you haven't already, make sure to download the complete checklist and start implementing these strategies today. Share your success stories with us on LinkedIn, and let's continue to elevate our LinkedIn game together!

Stay connected and shine bright!

Boosts your profile, ensuring you shine in the competitive marketplace. Embrace your sparkle. Take your brand to the next level.


Acing LinkedIn: The Ultimate Guide to Elevate Your Professional Presence


Key Concepts and Applications from OCAD University's Leading with Foresight Course